sábado, 1 de mayo de 2010
Controversial Artwork

lunes, 19 de abril de 2010
successful human science experiment

-1. The desired outocomes of this human science experiment was to help fight cancer and to reduce the various tumors in patients. The scientists' outcome would turn out being successful by putting RNA molecules in a special polymer robot, also with a chemical sensor. So, when the surroundings of the cancerous cell interrupted the chemical sensor, the robot would release the RNA, therefore satisfying the outcome of the experiment.
domingo, 11 de abril de 2010
ethics blog

domingo, 21 de marzo de 2010
Mathematics Blog
This is an example of a fractal in nature! its a fruit called pine apple.
This can be an example of a fractal found in nature since it has the same repeating some sort of diamond pattern all throughout the fruit
this video shows that the interplay between the water and the forest is spiritually transformational. It explains how the forest is full of fractals everywhere you look. And how we often speculate on the reality of magic, therefore how in the forest you find yourself in a starkly, vibrantly magical place.
martes, 9 de marzo de 2010
Natural Sciences Blog
tortured monkeys
monkeys being injected drugs
lunes, 8 de marzo de 2010
Perception Post
domingo, 28 de febrero de 2010
miércoles, 24 de febrero de 2010
Topic: “There are no absolute distinctions between what is true and what is false”. Discuss this claim.
Opinion: Its true that there are no absolute distinctions between what is true and what is false because you can never be too certain about something; sometimes things you believed were true turn out to be false. you never know.
Support 1:
This is a picture of the ex planet pluto. People were certain and really believed pluto was another planet in our universe. Later on, scientists discovered it wasn't.
Support 2:
This picture shows the belief of ancient people who thought the earth was flat. Later on, it was discovered to be round and that is a good example of how there are no distinctions between what is true and what is false, cause we cant be always certain of things.
martes, 16 de febrero de 2010
historical reasoning

When this declaration was introduced it stated that the rights of man are universal. This is a fundamental doc of the french revolution. Also, it doesnt mention anything about the status of women nor slabvery. But, the outcome of this historical doc is that it turned out to be an important document for ''international human rights instruments''.

This was a time where many people in rebellions and revolts died. They were fighting for the good reason of freedom, but not only of haiti but of the elimination of slavery. As an outcome, the Haitian Revolution is regarded as a defining moment in the history of Africans in the new world.
domingo, 7 de febrero de 2010
the origin of my name
- The meaning of Rebecca:
The girl's name Rebecca \r(e)-bec- ca, reb(e)-
cca\ is pronounced ree-BEK-ah. It is of Hebrew origin, and its meaning is "to bind". Biblical: Rebekah, noted in the Genesis account as a maiden of beauty, modesty, and kindness, became the wife of Abraham's son, Isaac. The name was used by the Puritans and was common through the 19th century. Use of the name in the novel and film "Rebecca" also revived it. Philanthropist Rebekah Harkness; author Rebecca West; actress Rebecca De Mornay.
- The meaning of Santos:
The boy's name Santos \s(a)-
ntos, san- tos\ is pronounced SAHN-tos. It is of Spanish origin, and its meaning is "the saints". Santino means "little saint".
Santos has 3 variant forms: Santee, Santino and Santo.
Baby names that sound like Santos are Xanthos and Xanthus.
Santos is a very common first name for men (#494 out of 1220) and also a very common last name for both men and women (#347 out of 88799). (1990 U.S. Census)
''Well, my name is Becky and that's a nickname for Rebecca. I've always wanted to have that name and i consider its an elegant and formal name. When naming her Rebecca, I also took in consideration this name because its on the bible. It is also a name you can easily pronounce universally. You dont have a middle name because i've always liked simple, short and nice names. God gave me the opportunity of having 2 girls and the first girl I had, she definately had to be a rebecca!'' -Becky Santos