The Experiment: Nanotech Robots Deploy Cancer
-1. The desired outocomes of this human science experiment was to help fight cancer and to reduce the various tumors in patients. The scientists' outcome would turn out being successful by putting RNA molecules in a special polymer robot, also with a chemical sensor. So, when the surroundings of the cancerous cell interrupted the chemical sensor, the robot would release the RNA, therefore satisfying the outcome of the experiment.
-1. The desired outocomes of this human science experiment was to help fight cancer and to reduce the various tumors in patients. The scientists' outcome would turn out being successful by putting RNA molecules in a special polymer robot, also with a chemical sensor. So, when the surroundings of the cancerous cell interrupted the chemical sensor, the robot would release the RNA, therefore satisfying the outcome of the experiment.
-2. The research done or the work done to reach the desired outcomes was first, experimenting it on 3 people under the influence of melanomas, they would get the RNA nanoparticles intravenously 4 times in approximately 30 minutes in 3 weeks. Then, these subject patients would get samples taken. Later, showing positive results, meaning that the melanomas had contained RNA and also a reduction in tumor gene expression. Therefore, reaching the desired outcome.
-3. The outcome in this successful human science experiment was that scientists and specialized people are inventing and coming up with a cure to tumors leading to cancer, a possible way to reduce the tumor gene expression. What this successful science experiment tells us about humans is that we humans have been reported about unseccessful and unethical outcomes in human science experiments, therefore, we can see that not all human science experiments harm people and are negative, in the contrary, some of them are of great use and in this case a cure for many people living with this dilemma.
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